Hello friends, How are you today? Hope all is well. Today we going to discuss. how to fix it if WordPress redirects us to the install page? This issue comes to us when we migrate WordPress redirecting or do manual copy and transfer.
Sometimes such issues and errors put us in trouble. we don’t understand what to do now. So don’t worry, I have a simple solution for this. let’s talk about it. The only reason why this issue comes up is because of the wp prefix. Question on mind what’s the wp prefix? How do know about my website’s WordPress redirecting prefix?
What is a wp prefix
To know the prefix of your website, you need to check the wp-config and database of your websites. There you will find your prefix. Don’t know how to check your Websites Database and wp-config file?
Common WordPress Errors & How to Fix Them
So let’s talk about WordPress redirecting, then how to fix the install page. First of all, you have to open the database of your websites and check the tables. The table name looks like this. Example: wp36_option. In this example, wp36 is your wp prefix. Now clear? What is the Wp prefix? and how to know the Wp prefix of WordPress redirecting.
How to fix WordPress redirecting to the installation page?
Now you have to check your config file and find Wp_prefix. Edit it and rename as per your Database prefix and save it. By doing just this, your redirect then installs problem will be solved.
So don’t understand what to do right? Let me add some snapshots for you, this will help you understand. Experts must have understood easily that if beginners do not understand, then there are some steps for you. If you follow these steps then you will easily understand what to do.
Step 1
Find your website’s WP config file and check what is WP prefix is.
cPanel >> File manager >> public_html >> wp_cpnfig.php You will understand by looking at the snapshot given below.

Step 2
Check your database table prefix. You will understand how to do that by looking at the snapshot given below. copy your database table prefix and paste it to the wp_config file. your job is done

Step 3
Check your database prefix and update the same prefix in your wp-config file your problem will solve. If you still have this problem check below things in your website data and files.
It often means that WordPress is unable to locate the essential files or configurations to run your website if your WordPress website instead loads the installation page. Numerous factors, such as incomplete installs, wrong database configurations, or damaged files, might contribute to this problem. You can take the following actions to resolve this issue:
- Verify the wp-config.php file you have: Ensure that your wp-config.php file’s database settings are accurate. Verify the host information, database name, username, and password by opening the file in a text editor. Make sure they correspond to the parameters offered by your hosting company.
- Inspect the database: Go to the database administration program (often phpMyAdmin) in your hosting account. Verify that the WordPress database is present and that the appropriate tables are there. Restore the database from a backup if necessary.
- Verify your files for corruption: On occasion, a WordPress file that is corrupt might result in redirection troubles. Use the file manager offered by your hosting company or connect to your website through FTP. Check the WordPress root directory for any missing or damaged files there. Replace the faulty files with the appropriate ones from your backup if you have one.
- Disable plugins and themes: Issues with redirection might also be caused by malfunctioning or incompatible plugins or themes. Rename the “plugins” folder on your website to anything like “plugins_old” to solve this problem. All plugins will be disabled as a result. If the problem is fixed, you may then activate each plugin individually to find the one that was having problems. In the same manner, you may select a default theme (for instance, Twenty Twenty-One) to check if a theme-related issue is the source of the issue.
- Clear your browser’s cache: Your browser’s cached data may occasionally be the cause of the problem. In order to get rid of any inaccurate information or cached redirection, clear your browser’s cache, cookies, and history.
- Reinstall WordPress: You might need to do this if none of the aforementioned fixes the problem. Take a backup of your database and any other important files before doing this. Perform a fresh installation of WordPress after deleting all WordPress files from your server (apart from the wp-content folder and wp-config.php file). Reconfigure your settings after importing the database backup.
After completing these steps, if your issues persist, you might find it beneficial to speak with your hosting company’s support staff or look for more advice from the WordPress community.